paragraph on beauty of winter
Okay, I’m probably in the minority, but I have a soft spot for the season, and it doesn’t have anything to do with living in a warm climate like Florida or Southern California. Nor do I have a hobby like skiing or snowmobiling to provide a ready-made reason for liking cold, snowy weather.
To me, winter is a convenient excuse to curl up on the couch and watch a “Bonanza” or “Big Valley” cowboy marathon on TV or to read an old dusty novel that sadly hasn’t had a page turned in 80 years.
Plus, winter allows time for taking stock of the year just finished and looking forward to the one just beginning.
You know, it’s not always about colorful flowers. Nature has other ways to capture the heart even in its “off” season. Observe.
Evergreens shine in winter. Suddenly, they’re without competition. And if you live where winters are snowy, like I do, then you get a little frosting with your cake. Nice!
winter paragraph writing