Paragraph on lazyness
Laziness is a negative act in the process of education. A lazy student is often the worst student. When a child prefers leisure to reading and writing, his knowledge will be poor and his marks will be low. Parents always worry about the progress of their children, because they know that only hard work can help one reach his goal. It is impossible to learn a new language or understand mathematics or physics without hard work. If you want to succeed in any discipline, you ought to devote much time to self-development and improvement of your background knowledge. In my opinion, students ought to struggle against laziness, because it ruins their potential. One can reveal his talents only when he works hard.
In my opinion, we cannot tolerate laziness at the workplace. When there is a lazy employee, the quality of his work reduces. He does not fulfil his duties on time and it annoys clients and his coworkers. Furthermore, lazy employees reduce the productiveness of the entire company. The firm does not cope with its orders on time and loses the credit of its clients.
On the other hand, laziness is the engine of progress. It does not worth mentioning that the majority of inventions and technologies appeared due to the act of laziness. You can just think about the invention of a remote. This invention is the brightest example of laziness. Obviously, one day, the inventor of the remote understood that he did not want to stand up and change the TV channels in the usual way. He wanted to change the TV channels lying on his sofa. Then, the invention of escalators, cell phones and automobiles is also connected with laziness. People wanted to save their time and spend their efforts reasonably. Therefore, their laziness found its reflection in numerous inventions, which helped people save their time and efforts.
Laziness is a negative act of human behavior, which affects various aspects of our life. To begin with, it affects our social life badly. Secondly, it affects the quality of education and reduces the productiveness of our work. Of course, in some cases, laziness can help one feel better, but this phenomenon has more negative than positive sides.