Paragraph writing on a
bag at the station
Everybody is so filled with impatience for getting into the train and finding a suitable seat. There are many more interesting things on the railway platform. The platform is full of passengers. Hundreds of men, women and children are to be seen there. Passengers are talking and walking. Some people come to receive their friends and relatives while others to see them off. At one place we may see village women with long veils on their faces.
On other side there are Muslim ladies wearing their ‘burquas’. One can see fashionable ladies, sitting on the benches or walking here and there. The hawkers sell sweets, toys, newspapers, hot tea and betels. They cry at the top of their voice to sell their goods. There are book stalls and permanent shops too to fulfil the needs of the arriving tired or departing and looking-forward-to-a-bright-journey people.