parts of speech destination and example
In language, the parts of speech are categories of words based on their function in a sentence. This a helpful way to look at words to help you understand the underlying grammar and logic of any language you study. In English, there are eight different parts of speech:
Adjectives: Adjectives modify or describe a noun. (sleepy, long, blue)
Adverbs: Adverbs modify or describe a verb, adjective or another adverb. (grumpily, very, well)
Conjunctions: Conjunctions connect words, phrases and clauses together. (therefore, and, if)
Interjections: Interjections are words used as exclamations to show feelings. (bah, gosh, oops)
Nouns: Nouns name a person, place, thing or idea/quality. (clown, Brazil, love)
Prepositions: Prepositions indicate relationships, often spatial, between nouns and pronouns. (between, across, in)
Pronouns: Pronouns take the place of nouns to simplify speech and writing. (she, his, who)