please answer me FAST
Catering - Recipe specification e.g. Rice, Daal and rest water
Industry - Machine hours for different Batch Production e.g. for any particular machine each for 7 different batch production and the rest for maintenance.
Interior Designing - Resource allocation for different purpose e.g. living space, Drawing Dining, Kitchen and rest for washing.
Finance - Investment options e.g. long term, mid term and rest liquid.
Textiles - for tops, for bottom, Rest for lengirie
Pharmaceuticals - for life saving, for essentials etc.
Households - for expenses, for Installment, Rest for saving.
Step-by-step explanation:
Catering - Catering uses fraction in recipe specification e.g. Rice, Daal and rest water
Industry - Industry allocates machine hours for different Batch Production e.g. for any particular machine each for 7 different batch production and the rest for maintenance.
Interior Designing - Resource allocation for different purpose e.g. living space, Drawing Dining, Kitchen and rest for washing.
Finance - Investment/Borrowing options e.g. long term, mid term and rest liquid.
Textiles - for tops, for bottom, Rest for lengirie
Pharmaceuticals - for life saving, for essentials etc.
Households - for expenses, for Installment, Rest for saving.