English, asked by Anu200711, 1 year ago

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Answered by goldysharan32
My Grandfather’s vs My Generation

As one generation disappears another generation arises. Each generation has unique features. Throughout history, most generations have been named according to the most distinctive feature that describes the generation. Obviously, everyone can notice big difference between my generation and my grandfather’s generation. Both these generations may share some similarities, but in general they are totally different. To understand these significant differences we should look at education, marriage and lifestyle.
The first important difference is the education. My generation is totally different in education than my grandfather’s generation. Almost all people in my grandfather’s generation were uneducated. Just a few of them had a high level of education. They worked hard in grazing and harvesting their farms in order to provide a luxurious life for their families. Furthermore, according to their customs and traditions, education was exclusively for men. They didn’t allow women to learn. Women helped their men in the harvest in addition to raising their children. In contrast to their generation, education is an essential requirement for my generation. The majority of people in my generation have high levels of education, few do not have a bachelor’s degree. Also, we work in notable jobs such as, medicine, teaching and engineering. Moreover, nowadays, all families focus on women’s education. Therefore, women play an active role in our society through their higher education and chosen careers.

The second important contrast between my generation and my grandfather’s generation is marriage. Previous generations play an important role in the new generation’s customs and traditions. My grandfather’s generation followed some customs in marriage which are totally different than what is now common. They believed that woman must marry her cousin or a man from her tribe. Also, they did not ask her if she wanted to marry this man or not. If there was anyone different wanting to marry the girl, her father must first ask her cousin if he agreed or disagreed because he had the priority to marry her. Moreover, women married early. However, in my generation few people follow the previous generation’s customs and traditions in marriage. Woman can marry anyone, and her father must asked her if she wants him or not. In addition, most women now rarely marry when they are less than twenty years old.

Finally, the most significant difference between both generations is lifestyle. My grandfather’s life was simple and difficult. His capabilities and budget were very limited. He lived in small villages in simple houses without electricity or water. Most of people in the village knew each other and had strong relationships. Moreover, they had very limited transportation such as camels and horses. As a consequence, it would take several months if they wanted to travel. Conversely, my generation has a luxurious life; everything is available to us whether water or electricity. We live in large houses or huge apartments in large cities. We have poor communication between each other and we have limited relationships with our neighbors, but we have improver transportation and we can travel from Far East to far West in less than fifteen hours by aircraft.

Even though my grandfather’s generation and my generation share some similarities, they are basically contradictory in education, marriage and lifestyle. All generations believe that their generation is the best one. As a result, we notice the generation gaps. Although each generation has their own features, experiences and attitudes, they are affected by the previous one. Finally, as everything in this life appears and disappear, similarly, when one generation comes the previous one is already getting ready to leave.

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