please answer this question soon
1.Appreciative – A wise leader values their team and the person. Success is only achieved with the help of others. What’s more, genuine appreciation provides encouragement, develops confidence, and builds on strengths.
2.Confident – Trust and confidence in leadership is a reliable indicator of employee satisfaction. Good leaders aren’t afraid of being challenged. Their confidence inspires.
3.Compassionate – Compassion is a strength. A good leader uses compassion to perceive the needs of those they leads and to decide a course of action that is of greatest benefit to the person and the team
4.Courageous – Perhaps I should have put this at the top of my list? A courageous leader is prepared to take risks when no one else will. A courageous leader has faith in other people. A courageous leader raises difficult issues, is ready to give difficult feedback, and share unpopular opinions.
They have vision, courage, integrity, humility and focus along with the ability to plan strategically and catalyze cooperation amongest their team. Up level your leadership skills by becoming an excellent public speaker.