please guys I need only your one help see (refer to picture ) please zoom it and see this from left to right
this pattern of class 9th cbse, Hindi and reply me how much time I give to each section A ,B, C,D in which how much I alloted for each question in order to complete a paper 30 minutes before from the given time
Time alloted is 180 minutes in exam
( don't report it because this is related to study)

Answered by
If you have 15 minutes before starting the exam so read unseen passage only and find the answer. After when you start doing exam do passage if you don't know any answers of passage leave some space for the answer according to space you need. Then do grammar section but don't do paragraph. Then do rest questions. In last do paragraph. Then you can manage your time.
Hope it will help you well friend
Hope it will help you well friend
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