please help,,
Find acceleration of blocks

this can be solved by multiple methods
first by system method
let acceleration of wedge = A
acceleration of block wrt to wedge = 3A
acceleration of block = A+3Acostheta i
summation fx = 3t+tcostheta
M(A)+m(A+3Acostheta) = 3t+tcostheta
analyzing block along incline
M(A)+m(A+3Acostheta) =(mgsintheta-m(3A+Acostheta))(3+costheta)
M(A)+m(A+3Acostheta) = 3mgsintheta+mgsinthetacostheta - 9mA-3mAcostheta-3mAcostheta-mAcos^2 theta
A(M+10m+9mcostheta+mcos^2 theta) = 3mgsintheta+mgsinthetacostheta
A=3mgsintheta+mgsinthetacostheta / M+10m+9mcostheta+mcos^2 theta)
3A=9mgcostheta+3mgsinthetacostheta / M+10m+9mcostheta+mcos^2 theta
above is acceleration wrt to incline
for wrt to ground put A in below equation
A+3Acostheta i -3Asintheta j
inertial method wrt to ground
applying equation for M
3t+tcostheta-nsintheta = MA
applying equation for m
mg-ncostheta = 3mAsintheta
by above
ncostheta = mg-3mAsintheta
put this in 3rd equation of this method
mgtantheta-3mAtanthetasintheta-tcostheta = m(3Acostheta+A)
mgtantheta-3mAtanthetasintheta-3mAcostheta-mA = tcostheta
mgtanthetasectheta-3mAtan^2 theta -3mA-mAsectheta = t
place the above in equation 1 of this method
3t+tcostheta-nsintheta = MA
t(3+costheta)-nsintheta = MA
place the value of n and t you will get A
and for acceleration wrt to wedge = 3A
acceleration wrt to ground A+3Acostheta i -3Asintheta j
inertial method wrt to incline
applying equation for M
3t+tcostheta-nsintheta = MA
applying equation for m along the incline
mgcostheta-n = m(Asintheta)
put values of t and n in above equation
you will get A
for acceleration wrt to wedge = 3A
acceleration wrt to ground = A+3Acostheta i -3Asintheta j
non inertial method wrt to ground
applying equation for M
3t+tcostheta-nsintheta = MA
applying equation for m
nsintheta-tcostheta-mA = 3mAcostheta
solving you get A
and for acceleration wrt to ground = A+3Acostheta i -3Asintheta j
acceleration wrt to wedge = 3A
non inertial method wrt to incline
applying equation for M
3t+tcostheta-nsintheta = MA
applying equation for m
mgsintheta-t-mAcostheta = 3mA
put n and t in above equation
you will get same
for acceleration wrt to ground = A+3Acostheta i -3Asintheta j