English, asked by riton101192, 9 months ago

Please Rearrange the word QHNASVUI


Answered by orangesquirrel


The given word is given in the jumbled up form which when rearranged we get the meaningful word, vanquish.

Vanquish refers to conquering or defeating someone completely. Some of the known synonyms( similar meaning words) are annihilate, subjugate, conquer, etc.

Some of the antonyms( opposite meaning word) of the given word are succumb, fail, etc.

Answered by mariospartan


A scrambled word can be arranged as Vanquish.


Rearranging is a simple task that requires to understand the phonics of alphabets. The sounds of letters help us to make a sensible word. We need to arrange the letters in a proper format to bring out the pure meaning of the alphabet.

Rearranging is tough but you require to match the vowels and consonants with sound effects. Consonants combination with vowels is framed for making sounds and sensible words. Scrambling word games helps the kids to learn it popularly.

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