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The Elephant Essay: The elephant is one of the largest land animals on earth. It has four strong legs, which look like pillars. It has a long and powerful trunk, through which it sucks water. The elephant uses its trunk to pick up food and place it in its mouth.
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Short Essay on The Elephant 200 Words for Kids and Students in English
Below we have given a short essay on The Elephant is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.
Elephants are usually black or dark grey in colour. Although rare, white elephants also exist. Male elephants have long curved tusks. Though these are its teeth, tusks are not used for eating. Elephants like to eat fruit, shrubs and leaves. In cities, people can be seen feeding bananas to elephants.
Elephants are very strong and used by men to carry heavy loads. They can lift and roll big logs. They are used for riding in wildlife sanctuaries. Even though it is a very large animal, an elephant can run quite fast and swim too. Like human beings, family is very important to elephants. They live in herds.
The Elephant Essay
Elephants are found in many jungles and sanctuaries around the world. But many have also been domesticated. Their keepers are called ‘mahouts’. There is something regal and royal about elephants.
Like the cow, the elephant is also respected and worshipped by some Hindus.