please tell the correct spamming!!

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Place large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Store breakable items, such as bottled foods, glass and china, in low, closed cabinets with latches.
Securely fasten heavy items, such as picture and mirrors, and away from beds and seating areas.
Repair defective electrical wiring and leaky gas connections, or get qualified professionals to help.
Answered by
- Ram should always keep some necessary items such as bottled drinking water , non-perishable food , first-aid kit , torchlight and battery operated radio with extra batteries , etc., in a designated place.
- Ram should teach his family members how to turn off electricity , gas , etc., as a habit.
- Ram should identify places in the house that can provide cover during an earthquake.
- Ram should buy an earthquake resistant house.
- Ram should retrofit the house with safety measures.
- Ram should make all public utilities like water supply systems , communication networks , electeicity lines etc., earthquake proof.
As Ram is buying a house in an earthquake prone area , therefore these safety measures could help him and his family during earthquake.
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