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concave mirror is a mirror with a curved reflecting surface which is bulging inwards or curved inwards. It is also known as a converging mirror as this reflecting surface collects light incident on its surface, and reflects the parallel rays of light towards a common focus. It can be thought to have been made from the inside of a sphere which has been silvered on the inside. In this knowledge article, we shall get acquainted with some of the uses of concave mirror.Galileo Galilei is considered to be the father of modern science. Stephen Hawking and other scientists believe that Galileo contributed more to modern science than any other figure in history. He is also considered to be the father of modern physics, astronomy and observational science.Archimedes - The Father Of Mathematics. Archimedesfather was an astronomer. While he was growing up, his family encouraged him to get an education. Archimedes was interested in mathematics, science, poetry, politics and military tactics.