write a letter to the editor expressing your views on head caused by junk food using the given from the input you are Ravi /Vani.
input ......globalisation/ craze for Fast Food / bad for health/ mushrooming food vans / caused obesity and indegestion/ only good for junkies
New Delhi-9
Sub.: Health Hazards Caused by Junk Food.
Through the lines of your esteemed paper, I want to pinpoint about the damages caused by fast food. We know that our life has become so complex that we hardly get any time even to enjoy our food well. We always remain in worry and hurry and most often we purchase fast food from the market and eat it in the way. On one side we think that it is cheap, tasty and saves our time but on the other, we fail to realize its damaging effects. None of the shopkeepers uses hygienic items in the preparation of such items. They are below standard and are prepared haphazardly without due attention towards vitamins and food value. They only provide the taste for the tongue. Most often we enjoy it but its effect on our body is very disastrous. It causes depression. Tension, blood clotting, heart attack, allergy, rashes on the body, vomiting, loose motion and nauseating etc. They disturb our circulatory system as well as digestion. So many diseases surround us and we have to knock the doors of the doctors thereby wasting wealth, health and time. If we want to lead a healthy life, we should avoid such cheap items for the taste of the tongue. I hope people will realize the results of cheap food as I have become a victim of heart disease through the use of fast food.
Yours faithfully,
The Editor
The HT
April18, 2019
Subject: Health Hazards Caused By Junk Food
Dear Sir:
I write to your good self to express my deep concern over
the problem of health hazards caused by junk food. The tsunami of junk food has
struck the entire world. It has wreaked havoc on the health of people,
especially of children. Obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol
imbalance, headaches, depression, dental problems, etc, never ever abounded as
much before the advent of junk foods as they do now.
There is nothing good that can be said about junk food!
There is little nutritional value in them. These foods are often high in
calories yet offer little or no nutritional value. When fast food frequently
replaces nutritious foods in your diet, it can lead to poor nutrition, poor
health, and weight gain. Tests in lab animals have even shown a negative effect
in short duration diets. Being overweight is a risk factor for a variety of
chronic health problems including heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.
Through the medium of your esteemed daily I appeal to the
Health Ministry to look into the matter and take prompt preventive measures in
this regard. Junk food outlets should either be banned or made inaccessible to
children so easily. We can’t just allow the fast food companies to play with
the health of children of our nation. I also appeal to people to abstain
themselves from eating too much of junk food. I am hopeful you will give my
ideas enough space in your newspaper. Thanking you.
Yours truly,