Plz answer humble reqstttt
Primorial(p#) is defined to be a product of prime numbers less than or equal to p. (15)
For eg. 3# =2*3=6 5# =2*3*5=30 Design a class primo_numb with two methods
to check whether entered number is prime number or not
to print the primorial of that number.
(Attempt any four. All programs should be written in Java environment. Algorithm and flowchart are not required. Program should be furnished with variable listing. Give comments wherever required.)
5. Primorial(p#) is defined to be a product of prime numbers less than or equal to p. (15)
For eg. 3# =2*3=6 5# =2*3*5=30 Design a class primo_numb with two methods
i) to check whether entered number is prime number or not
to print the primorial of that number.
6. Write a program to store 20 countries name and capitals name in array CA[] and CO[]. When the user inputs a country name the program displays the Capital name, If the country name is not present then the program shows an appropriate error message.
Eg Input India output Delhi
7. Define a class salary described as below:
Data members: name, Address, Phone, Subject Specialization, Monthly Salary, Income Tax
Member methods:
To accept the details of a teacher including the monthly salary
To display the details of the teacher.
To compute the annual Income Tax as 5% of the annual salary above Rs. 1,75,000/-
Write a main method to create object of a class and call the above member method.
8. Write a program using function isauto () to
Print the automorphicic numbers between two ranges
Check if a number is automorphic or not.
9. Write a program in java to input a sentence and find out the smallest and longest word .
eg This is our school
output – smallest is
longest school
Write a menu driven program to display the following pattern.
i) displaying the following structure
// A
// B C D
// E F G H I
// J K L M N O P
ii) displaying the following structure
// A
// A B C
// A B C D E
10. Write a program to store 20 countries name and capitals name in array CA[] and CO[]. When the user inputs a country name the program displays the Capital name, If the country name is not present then the program shows an appropriate error message.
11. Write a class to accept a number and check whether it is a Prime-palindrome number or Armstrong number based on user’s choice.
Prime-palindrome number - a number is a prime no. and palindrome no. Eg. 101
Armstrong number - Sum of the cubes of the digits = number Eg. 153[15]
12. Write a class to input a string (combination of letters and digits) and replace the repeated characters with an asterisk (‘*’) sign. Then display both old and newly created string
13. Write a program to display hcf and lcm of any two nos.