poem on ambedkar jayanti in english
Born at Mhow,
Millions were enraptured when his endogenous ideas effused,
Which were not skewed,
But were always shewed and previewed.
He belonged to Madhya Pradesh,
Said yes to afresh and to afresh,
He refreshed,
To make his ideas synchromesh
Hence never got enmeshed, which
Made him like a VARGHESE.
Brilliant in economics, architectonics, and hedonics,
Kept him always loaded with an umpteen of competencies and skill,
Helped him to edify and reduce persons at his will.
Since he dazzled in law and political science,
Effloresced when he moved ahead with defiance and compliance,
Which in turn taught us how to get riddance from dalliance and malevolence,
And hold ebullience and benevolence,
To arrive at a state of salience.
He was never in appall,
Because he always forestalled.
He neither mauled nor he hauled
and this had helped him many things to install.
His concinnity was very much conspicuous,
And at the MALL,
He was neither vociferous nor obstreperous
But was always harmonious and diaphanous,
This made INDIA free from caliginous.
Brilliant to create situations ex nihilo,
Made all to blow and glow.
With the changing world, he was always in tune,
Hence not needed to entune,
To be in a state of the commune.
He created a world of non-discrimination with no deceleration,
Where people worked with adhesion and cohesion,
Hence there was no confusion or declension,
But there was plenty of satisfaction and appreciation.
In a colloquy, he was an active collocutor
but he neither colluded nor eluded or deluded.
Blessed with a unique proclivity to colligate and collocate
But not to dislocate,
Like a weaver bird which builds its nest to accommodate,
That oscillates and fascinates.
Always hilarious, bonhomie and simplicity as beautiful
As a rosarium,
Sparkled with brilliance like a magnesium.
When he addressed he never quibbled or drawled,
And if a brawl befell,
Had enough talent to thrill.
But he was at his best
When in a demure state,
A state for concentration
Which draw everybody’s attention.