English, asked by pratik9d, 5 months ago

poem on laughter is the best medicine​


Answered by adhritchopdekar


by Thea Voutiritsas April 27, 2020 1.81k

Talk about how humor can help us persevere, even in the darkest of times. “Humor, more than anything else in the human make-up, can afford an aloofness and an ability to rise above any situation, even if only for a few seconds,” writes Viktor Frankl in Man’s Search for Meaning.


With deadpan delivery, concise storytelling, and punchy endings, Hal Sirowitz first gained attention through his slam poetry in New York in the 80s and 90s. He’s been awarded the National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship and New York Foundation of the Arts Fellowship and was the second Poet Laureate of Queens, New York.

From his 1998 poetry collection, My Therapist Said, “Lending Out Books” is written from the perspective of, well, his therapist. With brevity and wit, this poem tells the story of a man who lends books to his romantic interests, but it also highlights the disconnect, at times, between our intentions and their outcomes.


As a poet, comedian, illustrator, comic illustrator, librarian, and art curator, humor runs through all of Browning’s pursuits. “It was some time in 9th grade that I remember making my friends laugh and noticing the way everyone loosened up, the mood changed, people seemed pleased in me, Browning said in an interview with Best American Poetry. “But I didn’t realize I was funny; I probably just realized that a few weeks ago. But I did realize that I could have an impact on the world around me through something I did spontaneously—a kind of rudimentary existential awareness.”

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