Environmental Sciences, asked by manojmahatomahato, 11 months ago

Practicals of soil are – then water


Answered by mudavathsaroja


When water is added to soil, it can replace the oxygen that is naturally in the soil, and make the soil darker. This means wetter soil will have less oxygen compared with drier soil. When enough water is added, soil can become saturated and the water will start to form a layer on top of it.

Answered by laxmi1783


The theory can be proved by using some soil in the test tube and heat it at high temperature. The water vapour in test tube raises up and reaches the colder temperature of the test tube and the vapours condense due to touch of colder surface and the test tube is closed proving the 'existence of water' in soil.

Take a plastic glass and mark 3 holes starting from the base then middle and then near the brim. Fill the glass with water. You will observe that the water is coming out from the 3 holes. The water coming out from the 3rd hole covers more distance than 2nd and water coming out from 1st hole covers least disance. This shows that water exerts pressure at different levels and the pressure increases with increase in depth.


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