Pradeep got Rs. 2400 from his mother on his birthday. He bought a shirt for Rs. 820, sweets for Rs. 300, chocolates for Rs. 300 and a cake for Rs. 500. He bought a book from the money left with him. What percentage of the total money did he spend on buying the book?
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480 rupees left can you find the percentage please
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- He spent 20 percent of the total money given to him to buy the book.
Step-by-step explanation:
The amount given: Rs. 2400
The amount consumed on the shirt: Rs. 820
The amount consumed on sweets: Rs. 300
The amount consumed on chocolates: Rs. 300
The amount consumed on a cake: Rs. 500
The total amount consumed: 820+300+300+500
Which is equal to 1920
Now, subtract 1920 from 2400
Which is equal to 480
He got a book for Rs. 480
To get the percentage:
Divide 2400 from 480
Which is equal to 0.2
In percentage, it is 20 percent.
He spent 20 percent of the total money given to him to buy the book.
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