preparation of alkane
Preparation of Alkanes from unsaturated hydrocarbon:
Alkane can be prepared from alkene and alkyne through the process of hydrogenation. In this process, dihydrogen gas is added to alkynes and alkenes in the present catalyst. This catalysts which are finely divided is like nickel, palladium or platinum to form alkanes.....✌✌✌
Some methods of prepartion of Alkanes are :-
Wurtz Reaction
By the Reduction of alkyl halide
By reduction of carbonyl Compound
Complete method of Wurtz Reaction:
In wortz reaction a solution of alkyl halide in ether on heating with sodium gives alkane.
In wortz reaction a solution of alkyl halide in ether on heating with sodium gives alkane.R-X + 2Na + X-R =====>R-R + 2NaX
Note :-
An alkyl halide on Wurtz reaction leads to the formation of symmetrical alkane having an even number of carbon atoms. Two different alkyl halides, on Wurtz reaction give all possible alkanes.
Note :-
When Zn is used in Wurtz reaction in place of Na, the reaction is named as Frankland method.
Limitations of Wurtz reaction :
Methane can not be obtained by this method
The reaction fails in case of tertiary halides