Social Sciences, asked by Hibbert9899, 9 months ago

Prepare a project report on survey on trees (types &products)


Answered by TonightGamer73


1 Introduction

This Tree Survey Report (TSR) is prepared to determine the impact on trees that

will result from the construction and operation of Poultry and Processing Plant.

This report describes the methodology and findings of the individual tree survey that

was carried out in March 2007. All trees within the survey boundary were recorded

in terms of both topographical and horticultural properties.

2 Objectives

This report has the following objectives:

To comply with Government legislation and practice with respect to the protection

and preservation of trees (refer to Methodology in Appendix I);

To record the findings of the tree survey in terms of the topographical and

horticultural characteristics of each individual tree (refer to Appendices II, Tree

Survey Plan; III, Tree Survey Schedule and IV, Tree Photographs); and

To recommend the retention, transplantation or felling of individual trees;

3 Description of the Site and the Proposed Works

The site is located in Sheung Shui close to the Hong Kong Shenzhen boundary. The

project is to construction a Poultry and Processing Plant. Justification and details of

the project is described in Section 2 of the EIA report.

4 Existing Trees affected by the Proposed Works

4.1 General Description

A total number of 35 trees (DBH>95mm; refer to Methodology in Appendix I for

detail information) have been surveyed.

Most trees are amenity species located at the planter next to the Man Kam To Road,

others are scattered at the periphery of the site. Most trees are in fair health

condition. However, trees in the planters are of poor form due to competition of light

between closely planted individual.

5 Proposed Treatment of Trees

5.1 General

A total number of 35 individual trees were recorded within the Works Area. The

criteria for recommending the treatment of existing trees make reference to

paragraph 17 of the ETWB Technical Circular (Works) No. 3/2006. 8 trees will be

removed as most are affected by works and due to the recent policy from FEHD to

have no vegetation within the site.

5.2 Trees to be Transplanted to Permanent Locations within the Works Area

Where it is not possible for trees to be retained in-situ, transplantation to other

permanent locations within the Works Area is recommended.

The criteria for recommending the transplantation of existing trees make reference

to paragraph 17[b] of the ETWB Technical Circular (Works) No. 3/2006 which states

‘… This should be considered as far as possible unless the trees affected are of low

conservation and amenity value, or have a low chance of surviving or recovering to

its normal form after transplanting’.

5.3 Trees to be Felled

Where it is possible neither to retain trees in-situ nor transplant them to other

permanent locations within the site or off-site, felling is recommended.

The criteria for recommending the transplantation of existing trees make reference

to paragraph 17[d] of the ETWB Technical Circular (Works) No. 3/2006 which states

‘… Felling of trees will only be considered as a last resort under the following


There is no practical alternative and the tree to be felled is

neither included in the Register of Old and Valuable Trees

under ETWB TCW No. 29/2004 nor potentially eligible to be

registered as such; or

The tree has an unrecoverable health problem and is in

poor condition; or

The tree is ineligible for transplanting on or off site because

of its low conservation and amenity value, or its low chance

of surviving or recovering to its normal form after


In total, 7 trees require felling.

6 Compensatory Planting Proposal

6.1 Quantity of Compensatory Planting

To compensate for the loss of 7 trees (accumulated DBH lost: 0.825m), 11 new

heavy standard trees (DBH 0.075m) will be planted. The proposed recepient

locations of compensatory trees shall be identified by the project proponent prior to

the submission of the Tree Removal Applicaiton.

The following compensation ratios will be achieved:

• Quantity compensation ratio = 1:1.57

• DBH compensation ratio = approx. 1:1.

Species used for compensatory planting are:

1. High in amenity or ecological value;

2. Adaptable to the surroundings;

3. In keeping with the existing vegetation; and

4. Available in the market place.

Answered by GauravSaxena01


Project Report on Importance of Trees :

  • Trees are a significant piece of the Biosphere that exists on earth. They have a basic impact in the life of man. Youngsters play under them, and tired explorers invigorate themselves in their cool shade. They give us natural product to eat and kindling to consume. We use trees to construct houses and furniture's with. In the event that the paper on which your book is printed could recount to its own story, it would maybe disclose to you that once. it was a tree on some slope slant in a timberland. The furniture in your study hall is maybe made out of trees that once developed in the backwoods of Assam or Kerala. Trees in this manner supply us with a considerable lot of the accommodations of life.


  • Trees do considerably more than supply us with the comforts we have referenced. They help to help man's life by providing the climate with oxygen which is fundamental to life. The oxygen noticeable all around is continually being spent and transformed into carbon dioxide when creatures inhale and things consume, carbon dioxide is the nourishment that plants "eat". The green leaves of trees (in truth of every single green plant) retain this carbon dioxide and with the assistance of daylight separate it into carbon and oxygen. The carbon is utilized 70 make starch, and the oxygen is discharged in to the air, so supplanting the oxygen spent by creatures. Yet, for this, creatures would before long pass on for absence of oxygen.

  • Starch and other carbon mixes made in the green leaves of trees (and of other green plants as well) fill in as nourishment for creatures. The small green cells of plants are brilliant research centers, which produce all the starch on the planet. Be that as it may, for this administration done by plants all creatures would. In any case, for this administration done by plants all creature would sooner or bigger kick the bucket for absence of nourishment; they should get all their nourishment either legitimately from plants or by implication by eating creatures that have benefited from plants.


  • On a hot day it is frequently cooler under a tree than inside a structure. This is on the grounds that the forgets about of trees inhale a ton of water fume, and this assists with cooling the air, pretty much as a mudpat cools the water in it, right now help to cool the air and the downpour swarms going through it, so causing precipitation. Where new backwoods have been planted, precipitation it known to have expanded.


  • Trees help to ensure the surface soil of the earth and to forestall floods. Our earth has a covering of fine soil at the surface and under the dirt falsehood rocks of different sorts. Nature takes a great many years to shape soil 2.5 cms thick. Be that as it may, a few times a solitary overwhelming shower washes off that a great part of the important surface soil on an open slope incline. This doesn't occur in backwoods and different spots where there are a lot of trees. The trees stop the tree stream of water and their foundations hold the dirt together, thus the dirt is shielded from being washed off. Also, timberland soil has a way if rapidly retaining water, this assists with forestalling abrupt floods.


  • There are numerous sorts of trees helpful to man. There is the elastic tree developing in Kerala, Assam and Malaya from whose sap we get the elastic which we use for various purposes. There are trees, for example, the eucalyptus and cinchona. Which supply us with prescriptions. There is the coconut tree, all aspects of which is valuable. In South America there is an intriguing tree called the "Bovine Tree" whose sap's utilized instead of milk.


  • In numerous pieces of India there are insufficient trees to supply kindling, thus individuals are compelled to consume cow excrement, which should be put something aside for horticultural purposes. The administration needs huge quantities of trees to be planted everywhere throughout the nation so as to make great the misfortune. In this way, a few years back, the legislature began a yearly celebration called. Vanamahatsava or the woods celebration. This is a significant celebration where we should all partake. Threes are our nation's riches; we should think of it as our sacrosanct obligation to ensure them and to care for them well.
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