English, asked by preethi128, 11 months ago

prepare a write-up discussing the space of women in a family ​


Answered by rashmika28


Indian culture attaches great importance to women, comprising half of world's population. Explanation: Woman is man's helpmate, partner and comrade. She sacrifices her personal pleasure and ambitions, sets standard of morality, relieves stress and strain, tension of husband, maintains peace and order in the household.

Answered by jsjayalekshmi123


Throughout history, the space occupied by women has undergone a dramatic

change. The attitudes of the society towards her role in the family were shaped

mostly by the different religious texts. The first pairs of couples - Adam and Eve

and Siva and Parvathy introduced by the three religions - Christianity, Islam and

Hinduism throw light on the fact that Man and Woman together make one and the whole. Hence religions present woman’s role neither lesser nor inferior, but her role is to complete the other half. But what later history relates is the deterioration of her role in a patriarchal society.

Woman was confined within the four walls of the house. Child bearing and rearing became her sole responsibility. Her voice could not be heard even about the matters related to her future. She became the victim of many atrocities.

Thanks to the efforts of many reformers, gradually women could break the walls.

Education liberated them and gave them dignity. They began to assume the role of bread winner and family head. She started finding a space in the public too. This public space won her worthy position in the private also.The twenty first century witnesses a redefinition of woman’s role in the family. From the traditional roles of housewife and mother she has marched ahead. Her voice is heard in matters regarding marriage, procreation and so on. The disintegration of joint family and formation of nuclear families resulted in the crumbling of family as an institution.

Now woman enjoys rights regarding when she should marry, whether she should marry, when she should have children, how to plan in favour of career etc. Side by side we can see that premarital and extramarital relations are on the rise. This results in the erosion of values of love and compassion. Children became the worst sufferers. The broken families have generated crimes and violence.

It is high time man and woman extended their hands in mutual support and mutual respect to hold family safe and secure. At a time when woman finds a space even in space, her role rolled from submission to autonomy. Still, in some quarters, she is tarnished, while in some other quarters, she forgets what she can do in shaping a generation. Love is the noblest feeling one can cherish and it can be profusely found in the set up of a family only. Only a woman can restore the family within the bondage of love. Therefore, her space within in the family has become all the more vital.

source is google

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