pricing strategies of Cochin shipyard
Often managers treat pricing as a strategic problem in financial analysis or sales management. In fact, pricing products and services is a strategic problem that requires coordination of many functional areas. The ability to manage effective pricing affects the growth and profitability of a company more quickly and directly than any other strategic decision.
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During this program, participants will learn:
Standardization of exemption criteria enables salespeople to respond more quickly and consistently with value that meets customers' needs.
Financial implications of assessed real pricing.
Pricing is a business guide to long-term profitability for strategic use, rather than to reactively solve short-term problems.
Determine when it makes sense not to compete on price and when it does.
Determine which value-added options for the price competition are appropriate for your business.
Cost and financial analysis
Profitability analysis of price changes
Managing Customer Value and Value
Understanding how buyers "good value" research
Segment pricing
Pricing psychology
Management price competition
Formulate pricing strategy
Product life cycle pricing