‘Pride goes before a fall.’ Justify the statement on basis of the chapter Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger.
Wise men have rightly said, 'Pride goes before a fall.' Similarly vanity, like pride is bound to meet frustration and dejection. Life is a glorious gift meant to be pursued for higher pursuits such as self-improvement, self-actualization, and serving the suffering humankind. Where is the time for vain pursuits in such a competitive world? But unfortunately a major portion of human beings suffer from the ill of being vain. They waste their time, money, energies and other resources almost all their life later on to realize the futility of it. The best example that shows the misery of vain people is the character of Mrs. Packletide in the story Mrs. Packletide's tiger by saki. We see how her vain ambition of outshining Loona Bimberton ends up in her shame, embarrassment, and financial loss. She is left with nothing but regret and remorse. The author has masterfully brought home the point that vain people like her don't get anything useful in their lives; their vain endeavours bear no sweet fruit. On the contrary they have to bear loss on all fronts. So vanity is to be got rid of our character. In its place some ethics and moral values should be nurtured.
Hey fellow,
The answer to your question is following;
The chapter Mrs. Packletides tiger portrays her character. She was a woman who lived an elite life filled with bride and show off. She always wanted to come above all. That is why, she paid the villagers to arrange for an old tiger. She wanted to portray herself to be important and came off as selfish and self centered. It was the work of the fate that she missed her target and shot the goat instead. She had to face a lot of embarrassment and lost a fortune.
This shows that people who tend to be selfish and pretentious always end up mocked by fate and people. All their financial work goes to waste while all they received in turn of their self obsession is regret and a failed life accompanied with others hatred. When pride falls, it meets frustration and failure.
I hope the answer is helpful.
Thanks for asking.