Process of tea making writing skill
Suppose you want to make one cup of tea for yourself. Below are steps to make tea:-
- Take one cup of water
- Boil water till it become hot
- Now put pati and suger in it
- After 30 seconds put milk in it as you require
- Boil for 2 to 3 minutes
Tea is ready. If you need further help then you can comment. I am happy to help you out.
1) Write a introductory sentence.
2) Write a sentence on each of the stages.
3) Give a concluding sentence.
4) Put some linkers viz. At first, Now, Then, Next, After this or that, Thereafter, Finally, At least, etc. to tie up the sentences.
Subject + Verb-be ( is / are ) + Main Verb ( 3rd form )
Tea is a most common drink. The process of preparation of tea passage through the following stages. At first, a certain quantity of water is taken in a kettle. The kettle is then put on a burning stove for the water to boil. Tea leaves are put into a tea pot. Then, the boiling water is poured into the tea pot. The teapot is covered with the lid. It is left five minutes to make a liquor. Liquor is then sieved into cups. Sugar and milk are mixed with the liquor according to taste. The mixture is stirred with a spoon. The tea thus prepared is served on a tray.