Math, asked by surya5019350, 11 months ago

prove that sin 30°=1/2 or sin 60 =√3/2


Answered by kumartanuj941


Step-by-step explanation:

Consider a 45-45-90 triangle. Because 2 angles are equal, it is

isosceles: both legs have the same length. If you know one leg (a),

you know both legs and you can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the

hypotenuse c.


/ |

c / |

/ | a

/ |

/ |



c = sqrt(a^2 + a^2)

= sqrt(2*a^2)

= sqrt(2)*a

So these are the proportions of the sides of a 45-45-90 triangle:



/ |

sqrt(2) / |

/ | 1

/ |

/ |


A 1 C

In other words, the ratio of the hypotenuse to either leg is

sqrt(2):1. In terms of trigonometry,

sin(45) = sin(A)

= BC / AB

= 1/sqrt(2)

= sqrt(2)/2

Now for the 30-60-90 triangle. It isn't isosceles like the 45-45-90

triangle, but it is half of an equilateral triangle:


/ | \

c / | \ c

/ | \

/ a| \

/ | \


b b

The angles of the equilateral triangle are 60 degrees. The top angle

is bisected, giving the 30 degree angle. And since the sides of the

equilateral triangle are equal, 2b = c. That's the key - the side

opposite the 30 degree angle (b) is half the hypotenuse (c).

If we know b, then we know c = 2b, and we can fill in the Pythagorean


(2b)^2 = a^2 + b^2

a = sqrt((2b)^2 - b^2)

= sqrt(3b^2)

= sqrt(3)*b

Now we have the proportions of the sides of a 30-60-90 triangle:



/ |

/ |

2 / |

/ | sqrt(3)

/ |


A 1 C

As before, we can evaluate the sine of angle A, which is 60 degrees:

sin(60) = BC / AB

= sqrt(3)/2

Likewise, for angle B:

sin(30) = AC / AB

= 1/2

Similar is the same

Please mark it as brainliest

Answered by azamele54


here's your answer

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