Computer Science, asked by nighatgauri, 8 months ago

Q:What are the conversation rules we follow in our daily life?​


Answered by modelsurajbahadur


Conversations are supposed to be fun. They involve personal interactions between two or more people about something of interest. But many people worry about having conversations. They are concerned that they won’t be able to keep the conversation going, or about what they will say.

Keeping a conversation going is something of an art, and one which many of us now seem to lack. This page explains how you can learn this ‘dying art’, and have constructive and enjoyable conversations with others.

Answered by MrPrince07


Never insult somebody who is above you in life, they hold all the power and you hold none.

Always be respectful to a cop, even if you’re right and they are wrong

If you are being bullied, take em by the face and smash the back of his head into a wall. Or take a rock and whack him in the head, either way always aim for the head.

You are a role model no matter who you are or what you do, some kid respects and looks up to you, thus imitates you.

If you find yourself saying “Life has no meaning anymore”, Stop! In about 7 years from that statement you will put a gun to your own head and may just pull the trigger.

If you are undecided about whether to speak or not, rather remain silent, many people have died for saying something foolish.

Read novels, they may not have facts like non-fiction, what they teach is human behavior. The more novels you read the more you shall know about people.

Keep your body healthy by exercising everyday, your body is the super computer that makes your whole life possible. Just ask somebody with a physical infirmity.

If you are religious then stick to your religion, if not then don’t be, but do not straddle. Be either hot or cold but luke warm is detestable.

Focus on a life mission and stay steadfast to it.

Never ask somebody else “What should I do with my life?”.

It does not matter what you do with your life, if life ends on the day you die. But if it does not, then what you do in life matters a whole lot.

Life’s not fair and then you die.

No body cares about your problems, that is why you pay for solutions. Meaning you are not a bad person for not caring about anybody other than yourself.

Never drink, smoke, or take drugs is very difficult advice to follow, yet it can be done. That is, until you meet the right friend who knows how to push all your buttons and before you know it, you will be sitting in an abandoned building shooting crack.

If somebody says “Stop smoking crack”, it means your drug problem has finally come to light.

You are free to eat whatever you want, so long as you control the amount you eat at any given time.

Eating clean all the time is a great goal, the problem is, it becomes an oppression. Ask yourself honestly “Do I really want to be a tyrant to myself”. If yes, then cool, if not don’t be a complete liberal, self control, this is the key.

Always look for an alternate view to what you believe, it is the only way to know if you truly believe something or you are just too lazy to think.

You are responsible for your own life, this is a hard truth to swallow especially if you had caring parents. So don’t feel bad if you only realize this at 40, it is never too late to start.

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