Q. Write a note on Armenian merchant group.
ExplThe geographical location of Armenia defined its involvement in international trading activity
and provided it with the image of a trader nation. Located at a crossroads of continents, Armenia
was a transit point for international trade and a crucial part of the Silk Road. The country straddles
the major overland ancient trade routes between Europe and Asia and occupied a buffer zone
between competing empires and civilizations in the East and West. Armenia’s commercial
networks are inseparable from its history, as numerous scholars have shown.1
The most mobile
element of Armenian society—the merchants—became the most successful commercial carriers
and agents for various Eurasian civilizations. The existence of large and small Armenian
communities throughout the world fostered communication, exchange, and networking among
Armenian tradersanation:
The armenians probably wherecthe only group of traders who , in an age of great landed empires like Persia and Russia and seafaring powers l8ke Venice and the European East India Companies , could simultaneously do business with all the important trading hubs on the Eurasain land mass .