English, asked by kefayatshafi5011, 3 months ago

Q1. Who is the speaker in the following sentence? You can't have decency when you are hanging a man! A) Head Warder O B) Second Warder O c) Chaplain D) Hangman​


Answered by gujjarkingdevbaisoya


हिंदी में खोजें

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this is your answer

Answered by roopini14sl


Head warder O is the person who spoke the line.


  • The question is given from the play 'The new hangman '.
  • It is written by Laurence housman.
  • In this story the New hang man refuses to hang a prisoner.
  • He thinks that hanging is not a good job to do.
  • As he refuses to hang the person the prisoner is saved as nobody else are there to hang the person.
  • When the governor asks him why did he chose this profession he says to save lives.
  • Later this gets reported to higher officials who says that the hangman is not needed anymore..
  • When comes out and says this to everyone he becomes a hero in the people.


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