Physics, asked by Anonymous, 8 months ago

Read and answer the following. Sorry people there was an error and I wasn't able to attach the file so I had to type it instead.

Matter is composed of atoms. The smallest particle of matter that exhibits all its properties is called an atom. Atoms cannot always exist independently, so they combine with other atoms to form molecules which show all the properties of matter and can exist independently.

Kinetic molecular theory

Atoms and molecules in every matter are in continuous motion. For example, when a drop of ink is put in water, the water soon becomes coloured. This continuous motion of particles of matter is known as Kinetic molecular theory of matter.

The main postulates of kinetic molecular theory of matter:

1. All matter is composed of small particles, namely atoms and molecules.

2. Molecules of a substance are alike in all respects, that is, shape, size, composition and properties.

3. The molecules of a substance are in continuous and random motion.

4. The molecules of a substance have spaces between them known as intermolecular space.

5. Molecules of a substance are attracted towards each other by a force of attraction known as intermolecular force of attraction.

6. The kinetic energy of the molecules increases with increase in temperature.

Based on the above Information answer the following questions.

A. State true or false.

1. A molecule exhibits all properties of matter.

2. Molecules of a substance move in a fixed manner.

3. The kinetic energy increases with increase in temperature.

4. The molecules of matter remain fixed in their positions.

5. The atom is the smallest particle of matter.

B. Give one word answer for the following.

1. The force of attraction between the molecules.

2. A group of atoms.

3. The space between molecules.

4. The motion of molecules.

5. Atoms combine to form this entity.

C. Define matter.

D. Explain kinetic molecular theory of matter.


Answered by ArghyadipPal



1. True

2. False

3. True

4. True

5. True

6. True

B. 1. Intermolecular force of attraction

2. Molecules

3. Intermolecular space

4. Brownier's motion

5. Molecules

C. Matter is anything that occupies space, has mass and can be perceived by our senses.

D. As given in the question...

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