English, asked by abc542, 3 months ago

Read the following passage and answer the questions given below it:
My first meeting took place in a high school in Tripura. It was a gathering of 500 students and teachers. After my talk on the vision for transforming India into a developed nation, there were a series of questions, two of which I would like to discuss here - Where do we get a role model from? How do we get a role model?
Whether we are aware of it or not, from childhood onwards, we adopt role models. I said, “When you are growing up, say till the age of fifteen, the best role models I could think of would be your father, your mother and your school teachers.” They to my mind are the people who can impart the best guidance during this period.
I turned to the teachers and parents present there and told them what a big responsibility they had. I personally believe the full development of a child with a value system can only come from these people. In my own home, I grew up seeing my father and mother praying 5 times a day, and in spite of their modest resources, giving to the needy around. My teacher, Sivasubramania Iyer, was responsible for persuading my father to send me to school, setting aside financial constraints.
It is very important for every parent to be willing to make the effort to guide children to be good human beings - enlightened and hardworking. The teachers, the child’s window to learning and knowledge, has to play the role model in generating creativity in the child. This triangle is indeed the role model I can think of.
I would even go to the extent of saying that if parents and teachers show the required dedication to shape the lives of the young, India would get a new life. As it is said, behind the parents stands the school hey, and behind the teacher, the home. Education and teacher-student relationship have to be seen not in business terms but with the nation’s growth in mind.

A proper education would help nurture a sense of self respect among our youth. These qualities no law can enforce -they have to be nurtured by ourselves.
1. Do you consider the opening paragraph as a fitting introduction to the talk?
2. Whatisthethemeofthetalk?
3. Howisthegeneralstatementaboutparentsandteacherssupported
with specific examples?
4. Whydoesthewriterdescribetherelationshipbetweentheparents,the
teachers and the child as a triangle?
5. Whatisthekindofeducationthatwillhelpchildrenbringnewlifetothe
6. Which is the statement that impressed you the most? Why?
7. Whatkindofaneducationisthewriteradvocating?
8. Educationandtheteacher-studentrelationshiphavetobeseennotin
businesstermsbutwiththenation’sgrowthinmind. Doyouthink
schools should value this statement?
9. Suggest a title. What are your reasons for suggesting it?
10.Do you accept the idea presented in the concluding paragraph? Give
reasons for your answer.


Answered by vk0445717



with specific examples?

4. Whydoesthewriterdescribetherelationshipbetweentheparents,the

teachers and the child as a triangle?

5. Whatisthekindofeducationthatwillhelpchildrenbringnewlifetothe


6. Which is the statement that impressed you the most? Why?

7. Whatkindofaneducationisthewriteradvocating?

8. Educationandtheteacher-studentrelationshiphavetobeseennotin

Answered by beanieroblox90


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