Read the passage carefully.
Change is the law of life. Spring changes into summer and summer into winter and we comd back to spring again. Thus the cycle of of seasons keep moving. Similarly, childhood changes into youth and youth into old age , which finally declines to death . It is the law of nature that the old order should change and give place yo a new one. ' No change is the sign of death and extinction. However , inspite of this clear lesson , from the pages of nature , there are people who always insist on conserving the old , old is always correct for them. They would cling to old customs , fashion and beliefs. They think that God would punish them if they do not do so. It is these people who had stored the prophets and thus resisted the will of God. One fails to understand that how these people do not understand that one rigid custom , in the long rain is bound to make the miserable where there is change , prosperity and happiness are bound to exist.
i ) Based on your understanding of the passage answer the following questions :
1 ) How does nature portray the change in law of life ?
2 ) Why do some people cling to old custom and beliefs ?
3 ) What should change the old order to a new one ?
Answered by
1. Spring changes into summer and summer into winter and we come back to spring again.
2. Some people cling to old customs and beliefs because they think that if they do not do so God will punish them
3. Change of law of life should change old to new.
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