English, asked by sumitragorai5, 5 hours ago

Read the passage given below and complete the sentences using the correct options (or answer the questions) that follow.

1. Junk food is a term describing food that is perceived to be unhealthy or having poor
nutritional value, according to Food Standard Agency.The term is believed to have
been coined by Michael Jacobson, Director of the Centre for Science in the public interest, in 1972 . The term has since become common usage.

2. Junk food typically contains high level of fat,salt or sugar and numerous food additives such as monosodium glutamate and tartrazine; at the same time it is lacking in proteins, vitamins and fibre, among others. It is popular with suppliers because it is relatively cheap to manufacture, has a long shelf life and may not required refrigeration. It is popular with and has lots of consumers because it is easy
to purchase, requires little or no preparation, convenient to consume and has lots of flavours. Consumption of junk food is associated with obesity, heart disease,Type-2 Diabetes and dental cavities. There is also concern about the targeting of the
marketing at children.

3. What constitutes a junk food may be confusing and according to critics, includes elements of class snobbery and judgment. For example, fast foods such as hamburgers and French fries supplied by companies such as MC Donald's KCF and Pizza Hut are often perceived as junk foods whereas same meals supplied by more up- market outlets such as Pizza Express or Nando’s are not despite often having the same or worse nutritional content. Other foods such as Foie Gras,roast potatoes and bread are not considered junk food despite having limited nutritional content. Similarly, breakfast cereals are often regarded as healthy but may have high level of sugar, salt and fat. Many critics believe that junk food is not harmful when consumed as part of balanced diet and some believe that the term should not be
used at all.

4. Should a child start consuming junk foods exclusively, as opposed to having a balanced diet, their intake of high- protein-vitamins-roughage diet would substantially decrease and intake of milk and healthy fruit juices would likely to be replaced by soft drinks. This would potentially lead to a deficiency of calcium, milk being a rich source of calcium, resulting in weakening bones. Some type of chips that are said to be” junk foods” may actually be.

1. Answer the following questions briefly:

a. How is junk food perceived?

b. What does junk food typically contain?

c. With what is junk food associated?

d. When, according to many critics, is junk food not harmful?

2. Choose the most appropriate option in each of the following:

a. The word’ perceived' in para 1 means____.

i. Thought
ii. Seen.
iii. Understood
iv. Taken

b. The word ' convenient' in para 1 means___.

i. Advantageous
ii. Comfortable
iii. Easy
iv. Quick

c. The word' nutritional ’in Para 1 means _____.

i. Nourishing
ii. Healthy
iii. Useful
iv. Fatty

d. The word ‘deficiency' in para 4 means_____.

i. Growth.
ii. Shortage.
iii. Decrease
iv. Increase.​


Answered by sabuangel637


l need more points



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