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With modern day being extremely hectic, people try to manage their time more efficiently. The trouble is that
even though we have many smart gadgets at our disposal, such as telephones or tablets, it seems that we
are not getting more free time. Experts say that being busy can make you rich, however, being rich makes you
even busier than you were. Nowadays it is the more educated professionals who are more likely to work longer
hours and experience more pressure on their performance. And their mobile phones and tablets? They are just
constant reminders of the fact that the work is never completely done.
As a result of all this stress and even anxiety caused by our modern lifestyle, many people search for remedy, such as simple techniques or skills that would enable them to perform better. However, in this quest for
instant solutions we often forget about the underlying values and beliefs these techniques must be based on.
Is achieving a successful and happy life really only a question of techniques and methods? As Stephen Covey
points out, management techniques are only the tip of the iceberg, whereas the character is the bulk, the core
hidden underwater. If we focus all our energy merely on the tip, i.e. on the development of our personality and
mastering techniques for effectivity, we will miss an important part of the process, which is developing the
character - our true selves, our beliefs and principles. So perhaps before you assess and improve your skills in
time management, you should consider what you actually want to become and how you want to contribute
to the world. In other words, it is not only how I want to be better, but also why and what it means to me
and others. Most people, if they really want, can mobilize enormous untapped resources of energy
(and time) and it is a great waste if they use their energy on meaningless or negative things.
You have probably heard the old saying that time is money. It is certainly good to take
this idea into consideration because if we realize that our time is valuable, we are
less likely to waste it. On the other hand, managing one´s time goes far beyond establishing its monetary value. Personal time has much value – the
time we spend with our families and friends or the time we devote to
our hobbies is something one cannot put a price-tag on. And if we
fail to recognize the value of that time because we fail to prioritize, we might later on find out we are missing something
truly important in our lives.
“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you´re the pilot.”
Michael Altshuler
Our mindset is basically our mental attitude. It is shaped by our experience, environment, education and also
by the ideas and beliefs we have adopted throughout our lives. You may not always be aware of it, but there is
this inner voice inside you that keeps monitoring and afterwards interpreting the events that happen to you or
around you. By trying to make some sense of what is going on, we draw on our internal mental map and based
on interaction with others around us we modify it. It is claimed that a negative mindset can have a limiting effect
on one´s actions, while a positive mindset can be empowering. The point is that your mindset determines your
perception of events - if you perceive an event as a positive challenge, rather than a threat, you will be more
active and achieve better results. In contrast, if your mindset is negative, you will try to either avoid a problem
or you will face it with anxiety which will worsen the situation and its outcomes. A positive time management
There are many strategies how to boost your morale and stay motivated, among them:
» Every time you complete a task, enjoy the moment and use it to boost your confidence in the future. Remember the satisfying feeling and next time there is a difficult task ahead, picture yourself achieving and
reaching this goal
Unfortunately, many people have problems staying motivated throughout their studies. Stipek (1988) classified
the reasons why students lack motivation to learn as
1. Cognitive-oriented reasons – i.e. when you cannot see the present activity as related to the goals that matter to you.
2. Affective reasons – i.e. when personal problems such as lack of or excessive confidence interfere with present activities or
the present activities are perceived as negative.
3. Volitionally-oriented reasons – i.e. when students do not manage their time well, do not prioritize or are not able to delay
4. Environmentally-oriented reasons – i.e. when there extrinsic incentives are low.