Accountancy, asked by kavithamahesh1932, 1 year ago

Rectify the following errors:(a) Payment of wages to Ram Lal was debited to his personal account withRs.3000/-(b) Payment of salaries to srikant Rs. 7000/- was debited to Srikant's account.(c) Rent amounting to Rs.900/- paid was credited to rent account.(d) Goods bought from a merchant for Rs.200/- had been posted to the credit ofhis account as Rs. 2000/-(e) Rs.60/- owing by a customer had been omitted from the schedule of debtors.​


Answered by aishwarya1904


a) credit his personal acc

b) credit srikant acc

c) debit rent acc

d) debit merchant acc

Answered by madeducators2

Rectified entries of the given wrong entries


1) Wages A/c          Dr. Rs.3,000

       To Ram Lal A/c              Rs.3,000

Here,we have just reversed the entry i.e Credit Ram Lal's A/c and Debit back the Wages A/c.

2)Srikant's A/c         Dr. Rs.7,000

            To Salary and Wages A/c  Rs.7,000

Since,his salary was debited to his personal account,therefore,we have reversed the entry.

3) Cash A/c or Rent paid A/c      Dr. Rs.900

        To Rent A/c                                         Rs.900

Since, rent paid via cash was credited instead of debiting,therefore,we have debited cash a/c and credited Rent A/c to reverse the effect.

4) Merchant A/c                  Dr. Rs.1800

           To Purchases A/c               Rs.1800

Here,Merchant's account was credited by an extra amount of 1800,therefore we debited his account to remove the effect of those extra 1800.

5) Debtors A/c             Dr. Rs.60

          To Sales A/c                 Rs.60

The amount of Rs.60 was not recorded/omitted in the Debtors A/c,therefore we just simply recorded the omitted entry.

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