review of the thief's story
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Anil, a young writer was living a careless life. He was a writer by profession in magazines and earned money to run his life. One day while Anil was watching the wrestling match, Hari best knew how to make friend used an old formula to flatter the person. Hari stayed with Anil and Anil promised him to teach a lesson. Hari taught Anil how to cook tasty food and used to go to the market daily.
Both were living together happily. One day Hari decided to rob Anil. After taking dinner Anil slept peacefully. Hari about Hari dis not sleep, and woke up. Hari stole the notes of Anil and fled away. Hari Singh went to railway station caught, Lucknow Express and was about to go. Suddenly the good spirit called him.
Suddenly Hari’s mind was changed for breaking his faith that and did not want to lose faith in Anil. And left the railway station. He came to the maiden and sat on the bench. Heavy rain started as it was the month of November. The chill wind started to blow. Hari felt bad as he had cheated a person who was innocent.
But heavy rain moistened the notes. He again secretly put back money. The next day morning prepared tea for Hari and his own and handed over a fifty rupees note to Hari and told him that he would regularly pay Hari. Hari found the fifty rupee note was still wet.Faith can change a thief into a gentleman.