Ritesh purchased two televisions in Rs. 36,000. He sold first television at 30% profit and second television at 20% loss. If in this transaction Ritesh gets no profit no loss, then by how much rupees more than the previous selling price, the second television must be sold in order to make a profit of 25% on it?
C.P of televisions = RS 36,000
C.P of first televisions = RS 36,000/2
= RS 18,000
Profit% = 30%
Profit on first television = 30/100*18,000
= RS 5,400
S.P of first television = C.P + Profit
= RS 18,000 + RS 5,400
= RS 23,400
C.P of second television = RS 18,000
Loss% = 20%
loss = 20/100×18000=RS 3,600
S.P of second television = C.P + loss
= RS 18,000+RS 3600 = RS 23,600 Total s.p on television rs23,400+rs23,600
= rs 48,000
total profit 48,000 - 36,000
profit%= profit/c.p×100
=33.33% answer