Math, asked by tina1832, 1 year ago

Roman numerals
class 5 the


Answered by brilliantumar
v is symbol of 5 in R N
Answered by shadowsabers03

Roman Numerals

I = 1

V = 5

X = 10

L = 50

C = 100

D = 500

M = 1000

These are the Roman Numerals.

A maximum of 3 times a letter is repeated to write a number.

E. g., 3 = III, 30 = XXX, 3000 = MMM

(15 = VVV, 150 = LLL, 1500 = DDD are wrong. 4 = IIII, 40 = XXXX, 4000 = MMMM are also wrong.)

Number with the smallest after the largest is the number obtained by adding the both. Number with the largest after the smallest is the number obtained by subtracting the smallest from the largest.

E. g., 4 = 5 - 1 = IV, 40 = 50 - 10 = XL, 400 = 500 - 100 = DC

That's all. The rest will be learnt at higher studies.

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