science nutrition in plants and animals and class 7 lessons 1 fill in the blanks note
where is blank area
1-Green plants are called …………….. since they synthesise their own food.
2-The food synthesised by the plants is stored as……………………..
3-In photosynthesis solar energy is captured by the pigment called……………..
4-During photosynthesis plants take in …………….. and release…………………
5-Proteins contain…………….
6-Framers enrich the soil by adding ……………….. and…………………….
7-In most of green plants, photosynthesis takes place in the…………………….
8-Plants are unable to use atmospheric…………………
9-Green patches in stagnant water are aquatic………………
10-During photosynthesis, ……………… energy is captured by the leaves and stored as food.
1. Amarbel is an example of –
a- Autotroph b- Parasite c- Heterotroph d- Host
2. The plant which traps a feed on insects is-
a- Cucuta b- Rose c-Pitcher plant d-sunflower
3. Which of these components of food can be synthesized by plants-?
a- carbohydrate b-Fats c-Proteins d-All of these
4. Which of these is/are necessary for photosynthesis to takes place-?
a- Carbon dioxide b-Chlorophyll c-Water d-All of these
5. The trapped insect gets entangled in the hair in-
a- Green plant b-Insectivorous plants c-Grass d-None of these