English, asked by jacqueline2, 1 year ago

scope for tourism in your locality


Answered by upenderjoshi28

                            Scope of Tourism In My Locality


There are many benefits involved in travel and tourism. Tourists generate lots of economic activities. Since India is a fast developing country, it needs considerable impetus of propitious economic activities. Tourism helps in providing the much needed impetus to our national economy. 


Firstly, tourism helps create an impetus to economic activities which in turn draw investment, revenue, and economic growth. New shops, hotels, travelling facilities, malls, plazas, and other developmental activities begin to take shape because of tourism. Local residents benefit through the services that rise naturally in demand due to economic activities generated by tourism such as learning and recreational activities. For example the airlines and hospitality industry employ thousands of people the world over. All these employment opportunities are generated by tourism industry.


The second benefit of travelling and tourism is the economic and public benefits that act as powerful tools in sustaining local economy, creating jobs, and even generating capital. The third benefit that we derive from tourism is the positive image that is formed in the eyes of the foreign and local tourists. Well maintained and preserved forts and buildings send a positive message to the visitors about our caring and organized national character. This not only helps in winning over the confidence of the foreigners, but also attracts foreign investors as well as investors from other states.


There is immense untapped tourism potential in Ludhiana. The Lodhi fort, Sutlej River near Phillaur, PAU, Rose Garden, and Hareela Amusement Park have immense tourism potential. Since Ludhiana is a world renowned industrial city, thousands of foreign and national industrialists visit for trade and business. Owning to lack of tourism related facilities such as world class hotels, state-of-the-art transport facilities, lack of international airport, etc. are some of the facilities that discourage the tourists from staying long in the city.


 We must promote tourism by opening centers in the advanced cities/countries. These centers should provide information about places of interest to the people and should also offer special packages at the centers. 


We must improve the standard of facilities, safety, hospitality, and other areas related to tourism. There is no denying the fact that India has a huge potential of tourism industry. However, the standard of facilities provided needs to be improved further. We must provide world class facilities to foreign as well as local tourists.  


Special tourism packages, e-visa facilities, better transport, boarding, lodging facilities, etc. will surely attract more tourists.

gawandsmit: Awesome answer Jacqueline
Answered by KingKarunesh

Travel and Tourism Speech

We have provided below variety of speech on travel and tourism in India for the students under various words limit according to their need and requirement. All the travel and tourism speech are written using very easy words in simple sentences especially for the students. They can select any speech given below according to their class. Using such speeches, they can easily participate in the speech recitation program at any event celebration in their school without hesitation.

Speech on Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism Speech 1

Good morning to the excellencies, respected Principle sir, vice-principle sir, teachers, madams, and my dear friends. At this occasion, I would like to speech on the topic of travel and tourism in India. As we all know that our country is one of the oldest countries of the world. It is full of attractive historical places, heritage sites, charming tourism places including mysterious places in various Indian cities which make India famous for travel and tourism all over the world. People from all across the world come to see beautiful places in India and love to travel here. They go back to their country and write stories in their own words about the historical places of India. They praise about Indian heritage sites in their own country and enhance tourism to India.

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