English, asked by nifama7897, 6 months ago

Select any one of the rivers in India. Then compose a folk song or poem on the selected river.


Answered by vijjibalu505


poem composing......... illl give it a shot


on mother Ganga.......

O mother Ganga, I salute you,

For your incredible glories,

I salute mother ganga,

Who purified all those who came to her,

Regardless of caste and crede,

Regardless of race, skin colour

Regardless of age,

Who saw all as her children,

I salute you , amma

For Giving peace to all

Who came to you,

O mother, your tales and stories

To hear itself, are blissful

Blessed indeed are those

Who visit you

Blessed are those

Who love you

Blessed are those,

Who contemplate on you

O mother, all my salutations to you

who gave birth

To a civilization more advanced than any,

To creative minds.

Amma, your glories are such,

That I engage in, forgetting all

O ma, salutations to you

Who gave peace and love

Who thought us all

Through your melodious wave

And smooth flow,

To be calm and think.

O mother, you knew from the beginning,

That we will face hardships,

You taught us peace and stillness,

To face any situation that comes to us,

O my mother, salutations, salutations

its long, sure , but i hope you like it :)

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