Shape, size structure and ultra structure of bacteria cell wall
Size is in nm
Made up of peptidoglycan
Protein a
Under an electron microscope, the structure of the bacterial cell looks like a capsule. Ultra Structure of Bacteria has the following components like outside the cell membrane and internal to the cell membrane (Fig).
Ultra Structure of Bacteria
Fig: Ultra Structure of Bacterial Cell
Ultra Structure of Bacteria components:
It is the outer layer of the bacteria cell. Depending on the chemical nature capsules are thick or thin, and rigid or flexible. It is the most important virulence factor of bacteria which is visualized by the negative staining technique. Generally, it is composed of 98% water and 2% polysaccharide or glycoprotein/polypeptide or both. Only some bacterial species possess capsule. The capsule is usually made of polysaccharides (e.g. pneumococcus), occasionally polypeptide (e.g. anthrax bacilli), and hyaluronic acid (e.g. streptococcus). Most bacterial capsules are composed of polysaccharides especially homopolysaccharides which are usually synthesized outside the cell from disaccharides by an exocellular enzyme. The capsule of acetic acid bacteria cell is composed of homopolysaccharide (hemicellulose).
Glucan is synthesized by Streptococcus mutants which are composed of several types of sugar and are termed heteropolysaccharides. A few capsules are polypeptides like Bacillus anthracis, which is composed entirely of a polymer of glutamic acids.
There are two types of capsules,
1. Macrocapsule: Thickness of 0.2 µm or more, visible under a light microscope.
2. Microcapsule: Thickness is less than 0.2 µm, visible under Electron microscope.