Short story topics for 8th
The murder on the orient express?
There was an old lady. she called a doctor for her treatment. The doctor came and examined her eyes. He agreed to treat her, he was very greedy and dishonest. He began to treat the lady. The lady asked the doctor to take his fee but he said that he would take it when she got cured. His greed overpowered him and he began to carry the articles of the house of the lady one by one. He lengthened the treatment for some more days so that he could take away more material from the lady's house. At last the lady's eyes sight returned. She found her house empty. The doctor now demanded for his fee and payment. The lady told the doctor that her house was full when she became blind but it's empty now. He had taken his money. Now she needed not to pay him. The doctor returned shame facedly as he had decieved the blind woman.
mark me brainliest.