Physics, asked by el0lydivyakviswathi, 1 year ago

Show that at absolute temperature T, the quantity KT is roughly equal to the mean energy per degree of freedom


Answered by Warzone

• Temperature ~ Average KE of each particle
• Particles have different speeds
• Gas Particles are in constant RANDOM motion
• Average KE of each particle is: 3/2 kT 

This subject touches upon statistical mechanics, which is a deep subject.  

Pressure is force per unit area. 
Force is rate of change of momentum. That is, the amount of momentum transferred to a wall per second. This is achieved through the gas molecules colliding with the wall.  

A molecule of mass (m) and velocity (v) facing the wall will change to velocity −v after colliding with the wall (assuming that the collision is elastic). Thus momentum of the molecule changes from to mv to −mv. The momentum transferred to the wall per molecule collision is therefore = 

If the wall area is A, the number of collisions on this wall
in time Δt is ρAvΔt where ρ=(N/V) is the number density of the gas molecules. 

We therefore see that the total momentum transferred to the wall of area A in time Δt is equal to 2mv⋅ρAvΔt 

Dividing by Δt to get the rate change of momentum or force, 
then dividing by A to get pressure, we have 

= P=2ρmv²=2(N/V)mv² 

We must next replace by v by vₐv, which means averaging it over the different velocities of the different molecules. So far,  vₐv has a direction pointing toward the wall. But actual molecules are moving in all kinds of directions, so in the average, only 1/6 of the molecules are moving in that direction. This cuts down the answer for P by a factor of 6. So finally, we get 

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