Site providing evidence of domestication of animal in mesolithic period in india
Food resources led to domestication in Mesolithic age.
Mesolithic is the period between the Upper Paleolithicand the Neolithic. The Mesolithic has different time span for different parts of Eurasia. Mesolithic refers to the final period of hunter-gatherer cultures in Europe and West Asia, between the end of the Last Glacial Maximum and the Neolithic Revolution. In Europe it spans roughly 15,000 to 5,000 BP, in Southwest Asia. The term is less used of areas further east.
The fundamental instrument types are sponsored cutting edges, sideways truncated edges, focuses, bows, triangles and trapezes.
A portion of the microliths were utilized as segments of points, sharpened stones, blades, sickles, spears and knifes.
They were fitted into furrows in bone, wood and reed shafts and combined by common cements like gum and pitch..