State one constitutional provisions related to health
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Definition of health: – The widely acceptable definition of health is that given by the WHO in the preamble of its constitution, according to World Health Organization, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease[1].” In recent years, this statement has been amplified to include the ability to lead a ‘socially and economically productive life’. Through this definition, WHO has helped to move health thinking beyond a limited, biomedical and pathology-based perspective to the more positive domain of “well being”. Also, by explicitly including the mental and social dimensions of well being, WHO has radically expanded the scope of health and by extension, the role and responsibility of health professionals and their relationship to the larger society.[2]
Right to health is not included directly in as a fundamental right in the Indian Constitution .The Constitution maker imposed this duty on state to ensure social and economic justice. Part four of Indian constitution which is DPSP imposed duty on States. If we only see those provisions then we find that some provisions of them has directly or indirectly related with public health. The Constitution of India not provides for the right to health as a fundamental right. The Constitution directs the state to take measures to improve the condition of health care of the people. Thus the preamble to the Constitution of India, inter alia, seeks to secure for all its citizens justice-social and economic. It provides a framework for the achievement of the objectives laid down in the preamble. The preamble has been amplified and elaborated in the Directive Principles of State policy.
Directive Principle of State Policy and Health: – Article 38 of Indian Constitution impose liability on State that states will secure a social order for the promotion of welfare of the people but without public health we cannot achieve it. It means without public health welfare of people is impossible. Article 39(e) related with workers to protect their health. Article 41 imposed duty on State to public assistance basically for those who are sick and disable. Article 42 makes provision to protect the health of infant and mother by maternity benefit.
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Right to health is not included directly in as a fundamental right in the Indian Constitution .The Constitution maker imposed this duty on state to ensure social and economic justice. Part four of Indian constitution which is DPSP imposed duty on States. If we only see those provisions then we find that some provisions of them has directly or indirectly related with public health. The Constitution of India not provides for the right to health as a fundamental right. The Constitution directs the state to take measures to improve the condition of health care of the people. Thus the preamble to the Constitution of India, inter alia, seeks to secure for all its citizens justice-social and economic. It provides a framework for the achievement of the objectives laid down in the preamble. The preamble has been amplified and elaborated in the Directive Principles of State policy.
Directive Principle of State Policy and Health: – Article 38 of Indian Constitution impose liability on State that states will secure a social order for the promotion of welfare of the people but without public health we cannot achieve it. It means without public health welfare of people is impossible. Article 39(e) related with workers to protect their health. Article 41 imposed duty on State to public assistance basically for those who are sick and disable. Article 42 makes provision to protect the health of infant and mother by maternity benefit.
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Article 42 makes provision to protect the health of infant and mother by maternity benefit. Article 47 make it duty of the state to improve public health, securing of justice, human condition of works, extension of sickness, old age, disablement and maternity benefits and also contemplated.
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