State one point of difference between (a) allopatric & sympatric speciation (b) Ecological and Ethological Isolation
Allopathic speciation occurs when two species are living in separate environments and therefore there is no gene flow between the population
Sympatric speciation occurs when two species are living in same environment
Hope dear you understood it
The above stated points means separation of the species so that they cannot interbreed among themselves.
The major difference between allopatric & sympatric speciation is that allopatric speciation are the type of species which are living in different environment when compared to each other. Sympathetic speciation means the organisms which are living in same environment.
The major difference between ecological and ethological isolation is ethological isolation means the species living in the same territory but they aren't allowed to interbreed among themselves. Ecological separation ovulation means many spaces may live in same territory but they live in different habitat so that they cannot meet among themselves.