Statistics is basically a mathematical science which includes col-
lection of data, analysing the data and to make necessary calcula-
tions on them so that meaningful conclusions can be made out
from the data. Statistics is having a major boom in modern days
and also has a wide range of applications in the world. Statistics is
of two types: descriptive statistics a method of collecting organis-
ing and presenting the data while inferential statistics is to draw
conclusions on the population based on the sample. In real scenar-
io, statistics deals with data collection. A data collection is pro-
cesses of collecting the relevant information from various sources
to perform necessary calculations in order to interpret the results
of the analysed data. Broad classification of the data based on
quantitative and qualitative analysis. Further, two types of data
collections are primary data and secondary data collection, while
former is collected to perform desired analysis while later is al-
ready complied and ready for the data analysis.(Refer [8-9]).
Regression and correlation analysis is basically a major aspect of
statistics which transferred statistics into a rigorous mathematical
discipline used for analysis not just in science but in industry,
politics, medical science, social science and many more areas.
Regression attempts to determine the strength of the relationship
between one dependent variable with respect to other changing
variables which are often referred to as independent variables.
(Refer [1-2], [4], [6-7]). In this article a secondary data collection
is carried out to perform a particular case study in India for the
period of 2004 to 2014 on health care expenditure to analyse its
effect using various statistical tools.
Answered by
conclusions on the population based on the
sample. In real scenar-
io, statistics deals with data collection. A data
collection is pro-
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