Suggest five measures that can be taken at global level of the prevention and control of diabetes and its complication
There are many benefits to regular physical activity. Exercise can help you:
Lose weight
Lower your blood sugar
Boost your sensitivity to insulin — which helps keep your blood sugar within a normal range
Research shows that aerobic exercise and resistance training can help control diabetes. The greatest benefit comes from a fitness program that includes both.
2. Get plenty of fiber
It's rough, it's tough — and it may help you:
Reduce your risk of diabetes by improving your blood sugar control
Lower your risk of heart disease
Promote weight loss by helping you feel full
Foods high in fiber include fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains and nuts.
3. Go for whole grains
It's not clear why, but whole grains may reduce your risk of diabetes and help maintain blood sugar levels. Try to make at least half your grains whole grains. Many foods made from whole grains come ready to eat, including various breads, pasta products and cereals. Look for the word "whole" on the package and among the first few items in the ingredient list.
Explanation: Guidance is very important for the prevention of diabetes. People should be aware about the genetic heredity of this disease and the causes and results of being a diabetic. Along with this a proper recommendation is also necessary to avoid this disease and if already suffering than for making controllable.
Government and hospitals should come up with the proper norms and standards for providing them the funds and medications. Doctors should be aware about the diagnosis and care required for the diabetic patients when treating them.
Campaigns and awareness schemes should be made to get the public know about its medication, treatment and care necessary.
Institutes should run the surveillances to get the latest ratio and reasons behind this disease, so government can take proper steps to stop this disease.
A strategy is needed to be made at a global level on healthy food and diet. Motivation should be raise to get the people more in physical activities. Training should be provided to manage the body, weight and health.