sweet tooth decay or tooth may lead to tooth decay explain why? what is the role of the tooth paste in preventing cavities
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our tooth enamel is made up of calcium phosphate and is the hardest substance in our body if the pH inside the mouth decreases below 5.5 the decay of tooth enamel begins the bacteria present in our mouth degrades the sugar and leftover food particles and produce acid that remains in the mouth after eating so the best way to prevent this is to clean the mouth after eating food to prevent tooth decay toothpaste are used which is basic in nature and neutralize the excess acid
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Sweet tooth leads to tooth decay. Which is caused by the action of Bacteria on food particles remaining in the mouth and acid is formed.
The pH of the mouth falls below 5.5 and the tooth enamel dissolves resulting in cavities.
Toothpastes are generally basic, they neutralise the excess acid produced in the mouth and prevent tooth decay.
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